Intercultural Understanding




Why shadows? What is so special about a shadow? What do you think of when you hear the word shadow?
Do you think of darkness? Of feelings of fear? The absence of light? Or rather entertaining shadow plays? A shady place in the sunshine?
We think of cohesion, friendships, togetherness and intercultural understanding.
Why? Because it doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from. Our shadows always have the same colour!

We’re here to introduce you to two beautiful young girls.
Both beautiful in their own way, but the differences are written in their faces.
The left girl has no make-up, wears a cute dress and sneakers with a nice smile on her lips.
The right girl has dark make-up, an eye-catching gothic outfit, high black boots and a cheeky facial expression.

And you know what?
These two are good friends.
Now some might say: „Look at you. You are so different! How can you be friends at all?“
But let me ask you: are they really that different?

I don’t think so.

The statement of our website is quite simple.
We want to show that everyone is a human being and that you should deal with everyone that way, please do not underestimate or exclude anyone.
Of course we are all individuals, wonderful people, each with his good and less good qualities. And that’s a good thing, because it’s the only way we can complement and help each other. But what we want to show here is to give every person a chance and not to reject him immediately, no matter how different he may seem at first. As you can see, wonderful and strong friendships can develop. Because in the core we all consist of one human soul and our body is only our shell, to which we should not be reduced.

Annalena Walz

Annalena Walz


Hey there!
I’ve been studying at the HFK+G since
Summer 2018. I love drawing and designing
since I was a little girl. I’ve been playing soccer since I was 6 but due to injury I had to stop after
13 years.  In my free time I listen to music and
meet with my friends.

Elisabeth Brezina

Elisabeth Brezina


Well, now I’ll introduce myself.
I’ve been studying at the Hfk+G since summer 2018. I love drawing, photography, playing the piano, being in nature and I’m happiest when I can be with animals. I also love to travel and meet new lovely people. My best trip so far was going to New Zealand for 9 months.

3 + 2 =